Tuesday, October 28, 2008

3 weeks on, 2 weeks off

I'm officially on the first of many weeks of vacation to come. After successfully (semi-successfully anyway) putting in my time at both Lycee Georges Brassens and College le Dorlay for about three weeks, I couldn't possibly be asked to continue without first enjoying nearly 2 weeks off. This vacation time is for la Toussaint, All Saints Day, a holiday the US doesn't even so much as blink at. I personally don't care what it's for! All I know is that I'm off until the afternoon of November 6th, when it's back to the grindstone for a 5 hour work week before the weekend. The following week will be a two day work week as one of the three days I would potentially be working that week just so happens to be a holiday as well. Such is the life in France. Between strikes, holidays, and teachers cancelling my classes, I'm still not sure what I'm getting paid for. I did, however, get my first month's salary today (i.e. the money the most opposite of 'hard earned cash' I'll ever make in my life, unless I'm lucky).

So with all of this time off, I'm hopping on a budget airplane (god forbid) and flying off to Italy, where I will meet Amanda, who arrived in Italy on Sunday. We will spend a week visiting Venice and Florence, and I will practice my 4 Italian survival phrases one of the Italian assistants so graciously taught me. Let's just say that three of the four phrases can only be used in a restaurant. The other can only be used if for some reason I need to purchase or steer a Gondola. Very practical, I know.

I am very excited to see Italy! The last time I was in France I thought for sure I'd get to go, but it just never seemed to work out. Now I'm finally going, and I can't wait! I just hope it doesn't rain the whole time because that would really put a damper on the whole trip! Nevertheless, rain or shine, warm, delicious, Italian restaurants that will be havens for me to charm the locals with my endless command of their language, await!

One other thing that can't be overlooked: I return from Italy on election day!! I am really glad I'll be traveling because the anticipation and thrill of the polls closing, the votes being counted, and Barack Obama being declared the clear victor, is almost more than I can handle! Vote, vote, vote!!


Holly said...


Anonymous said...

Such a life. I hope you are enjoying Italy. Have fun with the language : ) Love you.

Unknown said...

I was hoping to go downtown chicago election night for Obama rally - but I couldn't get a ticket. It's going to be a great day for this country though. I hope your French friends will like us more with a good president.

I have a cold :(

Have fun in Italy!
